Fiction/Memoir Masterclass
Be part of an intimate group of writers keen to explore literary craft and develop longer pieces with the support of others.
Meeting fortnightly over 10 weeks, you’ll submit around 1,000 words each session (5,000 in total) to share with the group, receive professional editing, and enjoy illuminating conversations about the creative process.
Each session begins with useful instruction on a writing technique, such as narrative voice, foreshadowing & flashback, subtext, formatting, punctuation and structure.
Write several short pieces, or build a longer piece over the course. This Masterclass sets writing deadlines, delivers individual feedback, and offers valuable strategies to advance your writing to the next stage.
Course Structure
In person delivery, with Zoom option.
3 hour classes (15 hours total).
Each session, you’ll submit up to 1000 words in advance.
You can write fiction or nonfiction.
You’ll receive editing on each piece.
The group will discuss your work and offer feedback.
Places limited to 6.
Suitable for experienced writers, graduates of Telling True Stories, or those already working on a writing project.
“Thank you for such an awesome course. It’s been amazing to find a writing tribe again.”
“I’ve learnt so much from both you and my classmates. I can see the enormous improvements in all our writing under your guidance. You’re such a brilliant teacher! ”
5 sessions on Wednesday evenings 6pm-9pm
14 & 28 May; 11 & 25 June; 9 July; or
3 & 17 September; 1 & 15 & 29 October